Is your Windows 10 update slow? Here’s what to do

Is your Windows 10 update slow? Here’s what to do

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  I'm adding a log file here in case it may show any sign of failure and further suggestions. If your PC is running low on free space, you адрес encounter issues when installing Нажмите чтобы перейти updates. Restart your PC to test the issue.    


Why is it taking so long to download windows 10 free.How Long Does It Take to Download/Install/Update Windows 10? [MiniTool Tips]


Show only Search instead for. Did you mean:. Sign In. New Contributor. Although there is no internet connection speed issue on other mobile devices and computers connected to the same modem, the internet download speed is 2 Mbps and the upload speed is 9 Mbps on my computer.

I've tried the most common solutions suggested on Microsoft's site and other sites on the subject. None of them worked out. I reinstalled Windows 10 by protecting the files and programs on my computer, but there was no solution. I also shut down all non-Windows applications and services that started automatically when the computer was booted, again, there was no solution.

I tried more actions without any solution. My computer did not have such a problem 2 weeks ago. It started suddenly. Windows 10 Pro was upgraded recently to version Even though, I'm not sure I suspect this might be the problem. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance. Labels: Labels: slow download speed WiFi Windows Tags: slow download speed. Tags: the. I installed the recent updates on Windows 10 in early February , but it didn't help. So, I had to create another one.

I'm on feature update 20H2, I have regularly tried updating network driver card, flushing DNS, rebooting network, opening every port possible, setting a reserved ip address and even throttling everyone else on my network.

I have windows 10 and up to date iso over it! Nothing much problem, WiFi and network are going good. It may be problem in website server where you are doing or may on your browser. I should tell you that change browse related.

If this did not help then download idm. The download speed is extremely slow. My internet isn't the fastest in the world but is 20 mbs. MS download for cumulative update is a few mbs at best. I'm outside my 'Active hours' so that shouldn't be an issue. What is even worse is that after it downloads it evidently it downloads it again to compare it. This is wouldn't comparing the hash on both sides suffice?

Maybe their server is just always swamped and it can't do any better. After all MS is very poor and can't afford modern technology. Biden probably needs to give them a couple of trillion dollars to update their infrastructure.

Several years ago I switched to Linux Mint and happy with it, but will admit that some of their updates download too slow but not as slow as MS and Linux only downloads it once, not twice. Same problem here on Windows 10 - average download speed: Thats a joke. Same problem here. No results from troubleshooter. Fast SSD. Manual downloads also pretty fast. To MS engineers, Installing the updates can take serveral hours, while installing the windows itself takes only 20 min.

Are you actually do some secret tasks behind the scene when updating? Or are you actually able to understand what is the root cause in your product? I believe Microsoft with many talent engineers should understand the problem, don't you? Users like me just want to know why it takes hours to start the computer when we just need to open a doc file for some very urgent work which should consume 5 min.

In linux we can upgrade the system while still using it, isn't it too hard to implement? As a network administrator, I run updates on over a dozen servers every month. This was also the same with Windows R2. I agree. This is downright stupid. I can see a lot of people not updating as needed because people dont want to wait days just to get updated. Windows 10 sucks. I want my windows 8.

I have a Microsoft surface pro 2. Download took a few minutes Win 10 version 20H2 - KB How long does windows update take? How are you going to skip such long waiting? It may take between 10 and 20 minutes to update Windows 10 on a modern PC with solid-state storage. The installation process may take longer on a conventional hard drive. Besides, the size of the update also affects the time it takes. Some updates are small, and you might not even notice them installing, others are massive and take a good chunk of time to install.

Do you see Windows 10 taking forever in every update? Like one of the most seen blue screen loop, saying " getting Windows ready, don't turn off your computer ". Be prepared. Your computer is now slowing down, plodding, frozen and stuck!

Let's try the following methods to fix Windows 10 update slow issue. A faster internet connection may solve your problem and decrease the update speed. You can change to another faster connection by upgrading to a fiber-optic connection or purchasing more bandwidth from your internet service provider.

You can also try a brandwidth management tool to ensure sufficient network resources are reserved for Windows 10 updates. Windows 10 updates often take up a lot of hard drive space, so you need to make sure there is enough room for them to speed up the installation. This means deleting junk files and unnecessary large files. If there are a lot of files waiting for removing, manual deletion can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

In this case, you can use cleanup software to help delete large amounts of files at once automatically. Step 1. Step 2. Step 3. When the scanning process completes, select useless large files and click "Clean" to clean large files.

Step 4. Excluding the internal hardware factors, it's probably just the system bugs that throw your computer onto a blue screen where Windows 10 works on an infinite update. The Windows own little program called Windows Update Troubleshooter can fix the broken components that might break the update progress.

You never know that third-party applications always conflict with the update because they happen to start at the same time. Along with applications, services and drivers are making the same effect. So, if you feel certain that the problem does not come from a poor internet connection or hard drive bad performance, consider this factor, and you may try performing a clean boot of Windows 10 before attempting to get the new update.

Step 8. Click any startup program that is suspicious in conflicting with the update and click "Disable".


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